

This is a big one, and the most important technical part of our program. I will save you all the legal talk--just know that I have zero tolerance for mistakes here, because it involves the safety of our children, and we are legally reponsible for this.

  • All kids HAVE to be accompanied by parent/guardian. In other words, the person that filled out the form to register them. No brother/sister/cousin stuff. If a parent wants to designate an older sibling to do the pick up and drop off, they must tell us WHEN THEY REGISTER and we will note it and give the safety pick up card to them. We will remind them of this at registration.
  • SAY THIS TO THE KID: Have you gone to the bathroom? All kids should go before, so they won't HAVE to go during the service! :-)
  • Parents must show their KIDkard as ID and all kids have to show their KIDpass (nametag) to get in. If they forget it in their room, they have to go get it. If they lose it permanently, then you need to go get me to fix the situation.
  • When the kids show their KIDpass, we find the DUPLICATE KIDpass and move it to the "HERE" box. What does this mean? If something should happen, we have a box with all the kids' information that are present in the EZONE at any given time. If we have cards left over, we know who's not there.
  • To make things easier, we will have the groups divided by grades so when they come in to check in we can find the names quicker. Same thing for check out.
  • Once they are all clear at the registration table, they can walk over to the door (Chill Zone).
  • Parents come to the registration table and show their KIDkard. They will have one card per child. They will check out each child individually. When they are done there, direct the parent to the CHILL ZONE. That is the waiting area where they will wait for their child to come out.
  • When the parent shows the KIDkard and you move the KIDpass from the INBOX to the OUTBOX, you will call in (via walkie talkie) the name of the children so we can announce it from the front and they can walk over to the door.
  • Remember to smile, thank them and remind them of the next session check in and pick up times. Also, remember to promote EBASH on Thursday.
IF A PARENT ASKS WHAT THEIR CHILD SHOULD WEAR.... tell them to be comfortable. Remind them that on Thursday, we will be messy and maybe a little wet, so they shouldn't wear their best outfits.

IF A PARENT ASKS TO BE LATE FOR PICK UP OR EARLY FOR CHECK IN... tell them kindly that is not possible. If they get upset, send them to see me.

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