
Worker applications & Expectations

Here's a reminder that everyone working with us, even if it's for just one night, needs to fill out an application. Some people have had trouble printing out the one online, so I will provide copies on site for you to fill out. Even if you are only working one night, everyone needs to do it--Imagine, I am making my own parents fill one out!


Bare with me as I remind you of things you already know, and hopefully don't need to be reminded of. When you are working as an ELIFE coach, you are representing the ELIFE program, the Southeastern Spanish District, and more importantly, me. Ok, so don't read too much vanity into that... it's just the truth. I take pride in this program and long, long hours have gone into planning and making this event go. When you are on my team, you are a direct reflection of me. I take that seriously. I won't remind you or nag you about it. Now you know, so that's all I'll say about that. :-)

So, all that being said... I don't care if you go out after the services or hang out with friends when we are not in session. Just be sure that you behave according to the standards I'd expect. I don't think we need to make a long list of things, but one I will mention is that no guys will be in the girls room at any time. This is more more my accountability and responsibility for you guys when you are here. Most of you are all adults, and I don't care what you do, but there are eyes out there that might see something that can be misinterpreted, and frankly, I have not time to clean up rumors, so let's just avoid them alltogether, ok?


BE ONTIME--you are always expected 30 minutes before CHECK IN TIME, not service time. We might have games to set up and last minute run throughs to take care of. Five minutes before we open the doors for check in we will huddle up by the stage to go over the program and pray over our session.

If you have a game you are in charge of leading or a segment I've asked you to help out with, it is your responsibility to have all props and set up for that before the kids walk in. Most of the time, we will have time to set up for the next session AFTER the previous one. We definately want to do that!

HAVE FUN--Kids can read anyone, so if you aren't having fun, how are they supposed to have fun as well? A lot of these kids are pastors' or minsiters' kids and some of you guys know how that feels first hand. Some kids might not even get a family vacation, and this is their vacation. let's make it rock! A lot of these kids come from churches that have no children's ministries or no children's church like what they are about to see. Let's leave a mark in their hearts!

BE RESPONSIBLE--In other words, act like the leaders that you are. I take it very seriously who gets to be in our team and I am glad you are part of it! I have faith in all of you! Act as a mentor to the kids. When in the hallways and around the hotel, you are representing me, so please, represent! If you see kids around the hotel, say hello to them and their parents. Tell them you can't wait to see them and remind them to come ontime. I know what you must be thinking, ontime???? You will be surprised. We have our typical latecomers, but we have kids that are begging for us to let them in before check in because they are having such a good time.

BE ALERT--that goes for many reasons. Safety is our main concern, and I will write about that later. Be alert for kids that are alone, kids that seem to have no friends and kids that are bullies. I mean this--no child will be made to feel like their not part of the group and no child will behave in a way that makes others feel out of place. Be alert during the service. I tend to just call out things and I might need help, so pay attention! :-)

BE YOURSELF--Guess what? You're here because I like who you are! So, bring it! :-)


Ok, see... that wasn't that bad. You now know the basics. I hope it wasn't too painful.
Get excited!!!!


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