

Every child that enteres the E-ZONE (the room) has to be wearing a nametag at all times. There are abosolutely no exceptions to this rule.

When parents come in and register for the convention, they register their children at the main desk. We do not take any money. The registration desk then sends them to OUR TABLE. Our registration zone is in the hallway on the way to the EZONE.

At the registration table, parents will COMPLETELY FILL OUT a registration card for EACH CHILD. Every kid has to have a card. Yes, even if the information is all the same. Be sure that they sign the medical release portion.

The child will be given a KIDpass (nametag). They have to wear it at all times and it's the only way we can let them in the door.

We will save a DUPLICATE KIDpass for each child for our records. This card is the one that will be placed in and out of the check-in box for services and it's very important.

The parents will get a KIDkard for each child. This is the card they will need to check their kids in and out. No exceptions.

Once they have filled out the paperwork and get the KIDpasses, KIDkards and program schedule, they are good to go. Give them a smile and tell them you're looking forward to seeing them tonight! :-) Oh, and of course, remind them to be on time before and AFTER the service!

The hallway begins the EZONE. That means that it must be secure at all times. No one is allowed to enter the room unless they have a nametag. That means every child has to have a nametag.

If a parent wants to enter the room, what do you do? If you are working the registration table, you can tell them they can meet the door greeter and tell him that they are walking the child in. They can look around, but then must exit. It is the door greeter's responsibility to check up on parents that are inside the room.

What if a parent wants to stay during the service? Yea, that's a tough one... afterall, how do you tell a parent not to stay? That's when you come get me!! I will do it for you. Actually, what I will tell them is that we have a designated seating area and they will have to stay there. But, I won't make any of you do that, I will take care of that.

Which brings me to another point: Your job is to be nice and kind. I do not expect you to deal with any sort of conflict, since you definately don't deserve that for the free labor you give! LOL So, if at any moment, a situation gets heated with a parent or anyone else, you need to let me handle it. Just stop the individual and say, "I will be more than happy to help you, let me get the director."

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