
How to be an E-LIFE Kid

How to Be an E-LIFE Kid

E-LIFE Kids is a new challenge to and ministry opportunity for children. The challenge is to teach every child to evangelize and mentor other kids in their schools and communities.

An E-LIFE Kid is one who makes new friendships so he or she can share Jesus with others. The E-LIFE Kid also mentors (helps someone grow spiritually) other kids. An E-LIFE Kid is any student who commits to and demonstrates the Five Commitments of an E-LIFE Kid—Seek, Show, Share, Invite, and Invest.

The goal of the E-LIFE Kid is to share the “E-LIFE Plan” (plan of salvation) with other kids at school and in the community and to disciple them in their spiritual walk with Jesus. But before an E-LIFE Kid can share about Jesus, he or she must first learn to build relationships by showing friendship and kindness to every schoolmate and neighbor.

E-LIFE Kids should memorize the E-LIFE Plan Scriptures and learn how to share the E-LIFE Plan with other kids as the Holy Spirit provides opportunities. The “Theme Activities” are designed to provide E-LIFE Kids a learning lab at church where they can learn how to be E-LIFE Kids, how to build relationships with others, and how to share heir faith with other schoolmates and kids in their community.

Leaders, referred to as “coaches,” can apply the Theme Activities provided on the E-LIFE web page to teach students how to be E-LIFE Kids:

• How to share the E-LIFE Plan
• How to be kind and friendly to other kids
• How to build relationships with schoolmates and those in need
• How to share their faith with other kids—to share their story (how they came to Jesus) and “The Story” (how Christ lived, died, and rose again for everyone)
• How to live out the Five Commitments of an E-LIFE Kid

As the E-LIFE Kids learn how to live out the commitments, you as a coach can encourage them along the way and monitor their progress taking place at their schools and communities.
In short, every boy and girl should learn how to lead other kids to Christ right in their world.

The job of the coach (leader), then, is to train their students (1) how to build relationships, (2) how to show friendship and kindness, (3) how to share their faith with non-believers, and (4) how to disciple others. These are the ingredients of being an E-LIFE Kid and living out the Great Commission.

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